We collect personal information at every touch point or consumer interaction, and in conducting every aspect of our business, we may collect personal information. This personal information may include your first name; last name; account name; alias name; email address; postal address; phone number; birth month and day; age; gender; characteristics; preferences; credit and debit card numbers; purchase history; products considered; customer reviews; user generated photos; customer service chat content; customer service email content; customer service call content; email engagement activity; loyalty status; loyalty interactions; loyalty join date; tier name; spend to next tier; lifetime points; available points; points to next reward; last earned points; points expiration; available rewards; reward earned date; last activity date; referral interactions; IP address; cookie ID; user ID; authenticated user ID; browser user ID; shop subscriber ID; account utoken; domain; browser ID; browser GUID; browser information; device ID; other unique device identifiers; device type; device model; platform; operating system type; operating system configuration; other sysem information; advertisement interactions; website browsing history; website click tracking; website search history; website browsing behavior; website access date; website access time; web log data; referring websites; exiting websites; geolocation; time zone; country code; click tracking; audience segments; and other types of information that you choose to provide us or that we may obtain about you.

We may also collect information related to conversations, including records or copies of your correspondence with us or customer service calls for quality assurance and training purposes, and other communications such as website chat support, in-app messages, or SMS.

Some of the common ways in which we collect personal information include the following:

Online Shopping: We collect personal information from you when you shop for our products online. This information includes account name; account utoken; advertisement interactions; age; alias name; audience segments; authenticated user ID; available points; available rewards; behavior; birth month and day; browser GUID; browser ID; characteristics; cookie ID; country code; credit card number; customer reviews; debit card number; customer service chat content; device ID; device model; device type; email address; email engagement activity; exiting websites; first name; gender; geolocation; IP address; last activity date; last earned points; last name; lifetime points; loyalty interactions; loyalty join date; loyalty status; products considered; operating system configuration; operating system type; other unique device identifiers; points expiration; points to next reward; postal address; preferences; products purchased; purchase history; referral interactions; referring websites; remarketing segments; reward earned date; shop subscriber ID; social data; spend to next tier; telephone number; tier name; time zone; user submitted photos; user ID; web log data; website access date; website access time; website browsing behavior; website browsing history; website click tracking; and website search history

In-store Shopping: We collect personal information from you when you shop for our products in physical stores. This information includes age; credit card number; debit card number; email address; first name; gender; last name; postal address; products purchased; and telephone number.

Rewards Programs: We collect personal information as part of reward programs, including the Volcom Stone Rewards Loyalty Program through our website This information includes first name, last name, email, date of birth, order history, wishlist items, rewards tracking, telephone number and email communication preferences.

Automatically Collected Personal Information: By their nature, our websites and apps also automatically collect some personal information about you. In order for you to view or interact with our website or apps, we receive individual identifiers like your IP address and some network information like date and time of pages visited. We may collect this personal information even if you are not logged in. We collect some personal information automatically using cookies or other tracking technologies as described below in Section 7. The personal information automatically collected may be collected by or on behalf of third parties who provide us inferences or aggregate reporting based on analysis of such personal information.

Employee Data: Please see Appendix B.